Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh come on!

I don't screw around with the teeny-pop princesses normally, but I read this and couldn't let it go.

This is from an article about Hilary Duff.

"It's hard having a boyfriend who's older because people just assume," the slimmed-down, shiny-toothed starlet, 18, was recently quoted as telling Elle of the 27-year-old Good Charlotte frontman. "But [virginity] is definitely something I like about myself."

Where the hell is this pop tart's publicist? Stay the hell away from this! My God! No one used to talk about what was your sexual status! Why even go there?

No on should care. No one needs to know.

I blame the trailer park pop tart Ms "Baby Butterfingers" Spears. She started this nonsense and she can't see why people won't leave her alone.

Hilary - pay attention. Look a K-Fed's meal ticket and see your future.


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