Thursday, August 02, 2007

Executive privilege

Just got done reading Dan Froomkin's excellent article in the Post.

Let me get this right...

My boss asks me for my advice and because he has a very important job, I can't be held accountable for anything I suggest to him as a possible way for us to do business even if I suggest something illegal.

Of course, this only works if you're Karl Rove.

I have worked around or in government my entire adult life and I can not conceive the size of the stones you need to have to turn around and tell the Congress which was democratically elected to buzz off when they want to ask you questions about the ideas you helped to turn in to reality.

The simple answer for this whole deal is for him to walk up there and say, "yup... seemed like a good idea at the time and we blew it."

That won't happen though because Karl Rove realizes the last term-and-a-half is writing the first lines of his obituary.

There is no encore once you do what he has done. Much like fixers from the last century with names like Mark Hanna or Tom Prendergast, Rove has to realize he's done. You can only go so far. He might be able to do some consulting or writing or cash out on the lecture circuit, but he'll never cross a stage this big again.

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